Now that I've reached the end...
Only two more days of plebe summer. Gee whiz! I thought these final days would never come, and I'm not the least bit sorry that they're here. I'm hot, I'm tired, and I'm just altogether sick of seeing, listening, and hanging out with plebes. But every cloud must have a silver lining, right? So here's my list of favorites from First Set Plebe Summer 2005:
Favorite Quote: "Ruthie, Ruthie,'s not about HOW MUCH you know, it's WHO you know that's important. It's called networking." - Mr. Jonny "I'm a Ninja" Kane
My Other Favorite Quote: "I wouldn't trust you to clip my toenails!" -Ford to one of my screwed up plebes who said he wants to be an orthopedic surgeon in the Navy when he graduates.
New Favorite Drink: Wawa Lemonade Tea. It's amazing how much all of us get excited when someone makes a Wawa run and brings back jugs of this for everyone. The best was when Ford and I finished off a bottle of it in front of the plebes...I could see the drool coming their mouths as they wished for a refreshing sip of the most delectable ice tea known to man.
Favorite Movie: I've seen two movies in the movie theater and two here at school, and it's hard for me to decide...mostly because I fell asleep during the movie that I'm pretty sure would be my hands down favorite if I had just been awake through those middle 30 minutes. Anyway, the 4 movies I've seen were Bewitched, Wedding Crashers, Van Wilder, and Maid in Manhattan. I'll let you guess which one I fell asleep in.
Favorite time of the day: Nap Time!
Favorite New Hobby: Cards. I've rekindled my relationship with card-playing, this time with Rummy and some game called Pitch. I'm equally horrible at both games, and maybe I should dump them and pick up Scrabble again, not that I'm really much better at Scrabble. I think the reason I enjoy board games and card games so much is because of the social interaction that goes along with them ... maybe that's why I have problems winning...
Favorite Computer Game: Minesweeper. This is a long-time favorite game of mine, and I have returned to it after a long hiatus. I can't tell you how many games of Minesweeper I play a day. Enough so that my roommates comment on how I never stop playing it...even though they're not always even in the room when I'm playing. There's just something about fast, endless mouse-clicking with the rush of beating the clock to get a high score that I just can never pull myself away from the computer.
Favorite PEP Exercise: Knee Rolls. Haha, not really. It's much more fun to WATCH the plebes do them than to actually do them ourselves. I really don't think they do much good, and they certainly look totally goofy.
Favorite Plebe: No, I really don't like any of them. I do have a goofiest plebe though. He's the one who wrote that letter to my parents a few days ago. Yesterday at lunch, we were all discussing what the scariest moments in our lives were. His scariest moment was about when he was struck by lightning. Boy, does that explain a lot! The best part was that he said that when he saw it striking, his first thought was, "My God, that's beautiful!!"
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