Where are my darn sunglasses?!
Having PRK surgery was wonderful overall...having 20/20 vision is great! However, it has also succeeded in exposing some of my character flaws. For example, I never realized how much of a scatter brain I am until after the surgery. I now have to wear sunglasses all the time when I am outside. Wearing sunglasses is not like wearing normal glasses though, because obviously, I have to take them off when I go indoors, which creates something else I have to keep track of. And so far, I have failed miserably at keeping track of them. In the week and a half since I bought my new Oakley's, I have left them in King Hall, the rental van we took to Catholic University for a tennis match on Thursday, and the movie theater. I have recovered them each time, but I if I keep on losing them like this, I know I will not always be so lucky. Sunglasses and I just do not get along!
The length of time required to lose a pair of sunglasses is proportionate to the amount of money spent on said pair. For instance, I can permanently lose a pair of $100 Ray Bans in less than 6 hours. The $1.99 pair of El Cheapos I picked up at a convenience store have been with me for 6 years.
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