Monday, September 27, 2004

Another weekend passes by...

Golly, do weekends here go by quickly, especially when there is a football game. Once again, here's a list of life lessons I learned this weekend:

1. When the administration runs out of ideas for spirit items to hand out at the game, they make photo copies of the star fullback's mugshot and paste them to sticks. (Personally, I'm saving mine for posterity.)

2. Nothing gets midshipmen riled up like a good Under Armour commercial.

3. It's ashame that the former chapel uniform policy caused me to alter the location where I go to mass. I didn't realize this until they changed the rule this week to allow us to wear civvies to the chapel, and coincidentally, this was the first Sunday this year I didn't attend mass in town.

4. Tennis movies rock, no matter who is the star. (See the last post for more details.)

5. Hurricanes suck.

6. Even priests enjoy a nice cup of gelato.


At 8:26 AM, Blogger elementsix said...

gelati. . where are you getting this gelati. . .damn it I want some

At 7:57 PM, Blogger Ruthie said...

Grace and Eleanor know about the Annapolis gelati...YUMMY!!!


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