Thursday, October 07, 2004

In response to those complaints...

For getamac and Grace, who are hanging by a thread waiting for my review of Garden State...

Yes, I did go to see it, actually probably the weekend after Grace told me it was the GREATEST movie ever and I had to go see it. I knew it must be good since she told me that she went to see it two days in a row AND bought the soundtrack. I asked a few people I knew if they had seen the movie, and the ones who had gave it rave reviews. So that weekend, I was telling my roommate and my boyfriend about it, and they very kindly agreed to take me to the theater and see the movie with me. I was extremely grateful for the kindness they showed me, but I was a little bit sad about being the 3rd wheel, once again. So I went to the movie with them, and I loved it! I mean, I like Zach Braff just like Grace does...I even watched Scrubs religiously during its 1st season. Since I've gone to college, it's one of the TV shows I miss watching. So anyway, I loved the movie, but unfortunately, my roommate and her boyfriend did not like it at all. I felt really bad that they didn't like when I was the one who recommended it, and I felt like even more of an outsider. Oh well, what can I say...riding a tricylce is no fun.


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