Thursday, October 21, 2004

Here we go again...

Once again, due to the chastisement of my sister (and Earnest too, for that matter, who told Grace to remind me that I still have a blog), I am back posting again. As much as she may disagree, my life is very busy AND not very interesting, which isn't a very good combination for a blog writer. I'm sorry that I'm not a 6th grade art teacher and I don't have time to write a novel about the perfect guy and the perfect date and the perfect "more than an open mouth kiss." (Which, to agree with everyone else, was a completely weird and disgusting way to refer to that.) If you don't understand what I just mentioned, go back to my post where I gave a plug for Grace's blog and get to reading. But I must give a fair will take a while!

Haha...enough of my meanness! I really do love reading Grace's posts, and I'm sorry I haven't had time to write. But since a picture is worth a thousand words as they say, I've added three pictures that I took at the Navy/Notre Dame game last weekend in attempts to try to catch up to Grace, although I don't think 3000 words even holds a candle to what she's written. So anyway, even though the game didn't turn out well, I have some neato pictures of my friends and me. I didn't take any pictures at the "party" after the game that Grace referred to. And no, I was not drunk; I was just sleepy, and I fell asleep at about 9:30 that night on my friend's family room floor while all the boys in my company were watching baseball. Waking up at 2:30 AM does that to you.

So anyway, enjoy the pictures!


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